ShakoOutlook | 启程,看见中国!Start a New Journey to Understand “the Middle Kingdom” Better

2024-01-05 18:48:14    来源:   安顺日报融媒体中心      


It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, I figured out it before heard a single word about Dao dejing (道德经), I knew that it is crucial to move, at least try to move forward. Sometimes you succeeded sometimes not, but as Gabriel Garcia Marquez once mentioned "I have learned that everybody wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is obtained in the journey taken & the form used to reach the top of the hill".  Later on, I heard choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life (知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者). It become one of the main motto in My live. I realised that universal wisdom unify east and west and you can be impressed or guided from someone else who lived 25 centuries ago or thousands mile away. And my journey has started…




Shako recevied two books about Chinese history as his birthday presents. 


I was born on October, this is the main season for grape harvesting in Georgia and it was called as "wine month" during medieval period. Georgia is the birthplace wine, where local communities started fermented wine almost 8000 years ago. From religious and cultural perspective, wine is not a just alcoholic drink, it is a part of national spirit, historical memory and modern identity.




Shako (L) and Prof. Liu Guangwen (R) took photos together. 


So, October is very important and busy period there, but when I was born there was a dark and national nihilism due to state's socio-political condition. We suffered from wars and conflicts and it altered entire my childhood.




Archil Kalandia (L), the former embassador of Georgia to China gave a speech about Sino-Georgian relations to Shako's (R) students at the Tbilisi State University.


My generation lacked many things including safe and health environment, happiness and even basic needs, we were "post-war generation".  Despite many difficulties, it became a main motivators for us to learn, to dream, to move forward. And I became a "dreamer millennial".




Shako (L) was invited to share his points of views at the "Perspective of Georigia-China Relations" roundtable when a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 


In the time of darkens, the old and dusted books became the best partners. They helped me to travel without actual travelling around the globe. I was dreamer, fighter, lover, statesman and many things during this cognitive process. I asked questions and seeking for answers. I decided to digging up in history and literature, understand modern politics to see what was going on around us, why, how and how can we alter our future. I become very passionate and step by step catch the logic of global process. And by this time University entrance national exam approached me.




Shako co-authored the Georgian Sinologist Association's first book on Chinese history in Georgian, The History of China.


I joined Tbilisi State University and started learning political science. It was an interesting but difficult process where I figure our that I was very attracted by Eastern Asia and China, we knew few about this societies including culture, economy, identity and values. I remembered how Lao Zi and Confucius inspired me long ago so decided to start new journey and understand "middle kingdom" better.




Shako joined Renmin University of China for his master degree. 


Afterwards, I joined Far East Regional studies program and started learning Chinese language, history and culture. It was like a battle, an intellectual battle with myself. Chinese language is a part absolutely different linguistic group (Sino-tibetian language groups) therefore structure, phonetics, grammar was quite different, complicated and challenging.




In 2016, Shako (M) received full-scholarship and Zhejiang University admission letter.


Fortunately, in 2016 Georgian ministry of education and Chinese embassy offered joint projects to study in China. I accepted another challenge and sent my application. To be honest, it was very unexpected when I received full-scholarship and Zhejiang University admission letter later. Competition was tough and hard but seems that I was skilled enough to win. And then my Chinese story begun, I moved to Hangzhou and felt and ancient saying: "上有天堂下有苏杭" was true.


2016年,格鲁吉亚教育部与中国驻格鲁吉亚大使馆联合举办了一个留学中国的项目(项目的具体名称: 中国政府奖学金)。得知消息后,我决定挑战一下,递交了留学申请。说实话,我从没想过能获得浙江大学的全额奖学金。当时竞争非常激烈,但显而易见地,我的能力得到了认可。随后,我的中国故事就此展开。我前往杭州学习,切身体会到了中国古话所说的“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。


Shako visited the Summer Palace in Beijing.


Hangzhou life was one of the most interesting part of my live, I was feeling like a Marco Polo. Every day I had discoveries and the language was not challenging at all. I became addicted on this process but I did not want to be a selfish, I always wanted to share knowledge and views to others and I created educational website on China with my collegues, we started writing article, translating news and etc. I catch the opportunity to see dynamic of Chinese society and grabbed it.




Shako visited the Great Wall in China.


When I came back to Georgia I knew that I found my "holistic and professional mission".  Since this period I have been worked many places such as Ministry of foreign affairs, Embassy of Georgia to the People's republic of China, private companies, think-tanks and etc. Everything was related to Asia and China, working, writing, publishing, translating and public activities. I enjoy to discover, learn, understand and then share to others.




As it Is said: 三人行,必有我师 . So I am doing this and will do until I have a energy for this.


“三人行,必有我师 。”我将把这句话一直践行下去。


P.S. 活到老,学到老。



责任编辑:李芸 二审 李隽 三审 吴丹


