老外看两会 | 缇娅娜:希望贵州成为外国人来了就不想走的地方 Guizhou would be a province where foreigners never want to leave

2024-03-06 22:41:21    来源:   安顺日报融媒体中心      



“叮~”掏出手机、对准闸机扫描二维码,只需两秒,贵州日报天眼新闻外籍主播缇娅娜(Kucherova Tatiana)就进入地铁站,开启了上班模式。


Scanning the QR code by the phone, it only takes a few seconds for Kucherova Tatiana, the anchor of DiscoverGuizhou, to get into the subway station. Everyday, she takes the subway to go to the office.




Tatiana comes from Cheboksaray, a city in the northern Russia. There is no subway there yet. She feels so happy that she can go to work by underground. She said, “I took me over one hour to go to work by bus before. Now thanks to the subway, 20mins is enough. It's so convenient! I hope that Guizhou would become better and better.”




Living in Guizhou for 7 years, “Guizhou to be better” has become Tatiana’s most-desired expectation. It’s the time for China’s “two sessions” when her colleagues are busy for reporting news, she is following any news related to the future of China’s political, economic, social and environmental development.




She hopes that deputies and members would concern more about questions of “how to promote Guizhou to the world” that let more international students know Guizhou well, love Guizhou more.




When she first came to Guizhou, she didn’t have any idea about Guizhou, either. Luckily, with the support of her teachers, she has many opportunities to embrace the charm of Guizhou’s beautiful sceneries and joined in various forums. She suggests that universities and schools in Guizhou could have more activities like that which would make more students love Guizhou, “No matter where do they come from, when they talk about Guizhou, they will say ‘I really want to go there again’ proudly.”




Meanwhile, she also hopes that after China's "two sessions" the Sino-Russian relations would get even more better. Last year, when she went back to Russia, she has seen many things which can show how close two countries’ relations are. Xiaomi, Huawei, Xiaomi, Huawei, Harvard, Geely, Alipay... Now, no matter where you go, you could buy many China’s products in Russia.




“Now, many Russians prefer to buy products made in China because they trust the quality of Chinese products”, Tatiana said that her families and friends are crazy fans for China’s products.




Lao Gan Ma is her favorite, Moutai is her gift to her father, Florasis’ design attracts her friends. Recently, Russia has imported, her best-love fruits, Guizhou’s pomelos, “I'm so happy that my parents can taste it too.”




Now, Tatiana is able to say “Guizhou is so nice” to other people in Chinese fluently. She wishes that Guizhou would be a province where foreigners never want to leave.


责任编辑:陈亮 二审 梁惠焜 三审 毛丽


