Go with Tatiana|在贵州,我找到了冰河世纪 I found Ice Age in Guizhou

2024-05-17 22:47:15    来源:   安顺日报融媒体中心      


This is the Maotiao Gorge, which has the magnificence of the sea.




It is not surprising that there are many mountains and rivers in Guizhou. Located at the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River, Guizhou is situated in the subtropical plateau mountainious area. Maotiao Gorge of Sancha River, in Puding County of Anshun City, came into being.



Снимок экрана 2024-05-16 в 12.jpeg


Maotiao Gorge is located along the banks of the Sancha River, surrounded by picturesque mountains and dotted with unique rocks. As a significant tributary of the Wujiang River, the Sancha River features blue-green waters due to its topography and environmental factors. The river, known as the "Ice Blue Ribbon," is famous for its swift currents and crystal-clear depths. Guizhou's Maotiao Gorge often brings to mind the famous Hutiao Gorge on the Jinsha River. 





As for me, Maotiao Gorge is a great source of inspiration. Such great scenery makes me understand how significant the nature is, how great our Earth is, and then my worries and anxieties ease away.





When I stood there, the sound of the river was so loud that I had to shout to be heard. The rushing water constantly lashed against rocks, frightened me and made me away from the riverside. However, as time went on, and I stopped noticing this noise, and closed my eyes to enjoy the purest air and the power of nature...





This place is very popular among fishermen and hiking lovers. In the afternoon, you'll see a group of tired hikers finding a quiet place to have a picnic and chit-chat. I think even the instant noodles would have a taste of happiness in such a beautiful place! 





By the way, I suggest vistors to wear comfortable sneakers because the rocks can be very slippery. And it's in the wild, you have to be careful!





责任编辑:李芸 二审 毛丽 三审 伍水清


